

The Linear Park, which changes from a wooded damp cutting in the north west to an embankment of poor dry ground, is increasingly, year by year, becoming a splendid corridor for wildflowers, bird life, butterflies and moths. Cowslips survive beneath the scrub and further along are black medick, bird's foot trefoil and other vetches. In addition agrimony, bindweed, in particular the small bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), that provides food for the Four-spotted Moth, catsear, dragon's teeth, hawkweed, hedge woundwort, ladies bedstraw, mugwort, pignut, hedge parsley, rosebay willow herb, knapweed and various thistles can all be seen. Observant enthusiasts may spot the locally rare lepidium heterophylum, commonly called Smith's Pepperwort or Smith's Cress.

Agrimony (Barbara Wilson)

Black knapweed (Barbara Wilson)

Black medick (Barbara Wilson)

Common vetch (Barbara Wilson)

Rosebay willow herb (Barbara Wilson)

Hawksweed (Barbara Wilson)

Catsear (Barbara Wilson)

Cowslip (Barbara Wilson)

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