Trent & Peak Archaeology has been involved in an advisory capacity in all the archaeological research projects that are reported on this site. Other advisors include Nottingham Wildlife Trust, David Shaw, formerly the Conservation Officer for the Rushcliffe Borough Council and Mike Bishop, the Nottinghamshire County Archaeologist (retired in 2009).
The BHTA would like to thank the many individuals who contributed information and photographs that were needed to build up the site in the early stages. These include David and Margaret Sibley, Joan Taylor, Val Henstock, Tony Player, David Shaw and Dot Mabbot.
Authors of the first and second stages of development are Robin Aldworth, Joyce Allen, Peter Allen, Geoff Ashton, Bill Bacon, Rupert Bear, Adrian Henstock, Andy Howard, Gavin Kinsley, David Knight, Ruth Leary, Terry Scholey, Eric Sharp, Richard Sheppard, Hilda Smith, Richard Tyas and Jack Wilson. Contributions to the text were made by John Clarke, Jill Kendrick and David Newton.
Drawings are by Margaret Sibley and Kevin Becken.
Flower paintings by Barbara Wilson.
Maps are by Niall Spencer and Robin Aldworth.
Photographs are individually credited.
Input from the Oral History project was coordinated by Hilda Smith.
Geoff Ashton organised the team that completed the Churchyard Survey.
Robin Aldworth is editor of the Newsletter
A major upgrade followed the completion of the History of Settlement of Bingham Parish project in December 2009.
Funding for the project came from the Local Heritage Initiative and later, the Heritage Lottery Fund. We thank both of them for their support, particularly Lisa Kerman, of the LHI, who advised us on setting up the project, Jean Rider who took over from her, and Jeremy Fenn of the HLF for help in the later stages.
Gavin Kinsley of Trent & Peak Archaeology provided advice on setting up the field-walking project. Jenny Brown and Peter Inker, also of TPA, delivered the initial training. In the later stages David Knight took Gavin’s role. We thank them all for their help. David Knight and Dave Walker of TPA also advised on the work on Crow Close
Overall management of the project has been dispersed. The BHTA Executive Committee provided general oversight. Members during the life of the project have been: Peter Allen, Chairman, Geoff Ashton, Vice Chairman, Jack Wilson, Secretary, Roger Snowdin, Treasurer, Joyce Allen, Membership Secretary, Robin Aldworth, Adrian Henstock, Hilda Smith, John Perry, Sue Brough, John Bannard and the late Tony Stockwood. Peter Allen provided overall management of the field-walking project. He also took charge of the fieldwork, where he was deputised by Jack Wilson, Jim Johnson and Joyce Allen. He also looked after the finds identification. Joan Ashton was responsible for finds handling after collection. Geoff Ashton took charge of all aspects of database design, data management and data inputting and was heavily involved in data handling and interpretation and mapping in the late stages of the project. Robin Aldworth photographed the finds. Margaret Sibley drew them. Niall Spencer provided invaluable help with all things cartographic and with regard to the use of ArcMap. We are also grateful to the British Geological Survey for allowing Niall Spencer to have out-of-hours access to their mapping kit where necessary to provide help for us, and to ESRI for donating a copy of ArcMap to us.
There are no professional archaeologists in BHTA. Specialist input, particularly with regard to the identification of finds has come from a number of sources. We owe a deep debt of gratitude to them all. Three of them have been involved from the beginning and have been a particularly strong influence on the project. These are Jenny Brown, who supervised the initial training and identified the flints, Ruth Leary who looked after all things Roman and took a mentoring role via lengthy email exchanges, and Vicky Nailor, who identified the medieval fabrics. Roger Jacobi aided Jenny with the flints, Gwladys Monteil examined the samian ware, John Carney looked at the stone axe head. David Knight identified the Iron Age sherds, Jane Young the Anglo-Saxon material and Stamford ware. Post medieval pottery has been especially difficult to deal with. Chris Cumberpatch started us off, but Alan MacCormick, Jane Young, Jon Goodwin, Janet Spavold and Sue Brown all made an input. Adrian Henstock looked after the salt-glazed stoneware. Ann Quinn dated the 19th and 20th century pottery. Elaine Parker identified the bones and teeth. Neil Cunnington identified the coins and other metal objects. Peter Hammond identified the clay tobacco pipes and the glass. Richard Jones of Leicester University provided advice on the interpretation of the medieval material.
The old maps project was a team effort led by Geoff Ashton primarily involving, Adrian Henstock and Robin Aldworth. Val Henstock translated the Latin manuscript and teams of volunteers transcribed the translated data into a usable form.
The survey of Crow Close was coordinated by Peter Allen. The topographical survey was done by Dr Kate Strange of 3D Laser Mapping, whose general manager Graham Hunter offered their services free of change. The late Chris Green converted their data into a scale-true map. Grid Nine Geophysical Surveys were contracted to do the geophysical survey.
The project could not have taken place without the willing volunteers who made it happen. Over a 100 individuals field walked, washed and numbered finds, helped with data inputting and assembled parts of this document. We thank them all for their forbearance while we were learning how to do it, for coming out in the depths of winter to find things in the fields and for their patient dedication to the tasks that needed to be done.
Most of the farmland in Bingham is owned by the Crown Estate, whom we thank for giving us permission to do the project. We would also like to thank the individual farmers, who willingly let us walk over their crops: James Fisher, Neil Stubbs, Richard Hutton, Chris Lamin, Andrew Hammond, Chris and Ian Cockayne and Jim Price.
The main authors of the text used in this site were Peter Allen and Geoff Ashton. With inputs form Adrian Henstock and Robin Aldworth. The basic text was reviewed by Geoff Ashton, Adrian Henstock and Jack Wilson. Photographic credits are given with the pictures where they are not BHTA copyright.