
On Richard Crossman for whom he acted as political agent:

  • He was very active in the Wilson Government and was well noted for his diaries, which I have signed copies of. He was a fascinating man, difficult to work with, you had to be right on top of your job and he liked things done promptly and efficiently. An excellent man and a first class journalist.

On his time as a Borough Councillor:

  • I was only there 4 years and was interested in community affairs. I thought that much of the work that was done at the time was a credit to the Councillors, all Councillors, in helping to ensure that the Rosary was built and there was a good standard of housing in Bingham, Council housing. I think we were very fortunate in Bingham having the co-operation of the Borough in these events. Much still needs to be done and I think we certainly have to preserve the open spaces in Bingham, this is very important.

On his time with the Labour Party:

  • I have just last month been presented with a 50-year award, which was signed by Tony Blair, and I am very proud of this. I have put a lot of time and effort into the Labour Party in many forms, as Secretary and Chairman and it was a rich reward to receive this honour.

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