


Abbreviations are used liberally throughout these pages. Below is a list of most of them with their meaning.


AIF Australian Imperial Force
APC Army Pay Corps
Bde, Bgde Brigade
Btn, Batt. Bn Battalion
Coy Company
Div Division
DLI Durham Light Infantry
GG Grenadier Guards
KORR Kings Own Royal Rifles
KOSB Kings Own Scottish Borders
KOYLI Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
KSLI Kings Shropshire Light Infantry
MGC Machine Gun Corps
N&D Notts & Derby Regiment
PPCLI Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry
RA Royal Artillery
RAF Royal Air Force
RAMC  Royal Army Medical Corps
RAOC Royal Army Ordnance Corps
RASC Royal Army Service Corps
RE Royal Engineers
RFA Royal Field Artillery
RGA Royal Garrison Artillery
RHA Royal House Artillery
RNVR Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
SF Sherwood Foresters
VAD Voluntary Aid Detachment  (Volunteer nurses who served in WW 1) 


Pte Private
Gnr Gunner
Lt/Cpl Lieutenant Corporal
2nd Lieut.
Second Lieutenant
Lieut Lieutenant
L/Col Lieutenant Colonel
LAC Leading Aircraftman
Sapper or
Equivalent to Private in the Royal Engineers. a soldier responsible for tasks such as building and repairing roads and bridges, laying and clearing mines, etc


Ancestry genealogy site
AVL Absent Voters List
FBMD Free Births, marriages and deaths web site
b. m. d. Born, married, died
CWGC Commonwealth War Graves Commission
FMP Find My genealogy site
GR Genes genealogy site
Nat Arch, NA National Archives
SDiGW Archive material on web sites: Soldiers who died in WW1
RofH Roll of Honour

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